NeuroTrauma Registry of Ohio

Neurotrauma Registry of Ohio logo, which features a red buckeye and white buckeye leaf within a grey Ohio shape

About NTR-OH

The NeuroTrauma Registry of Ohio (NTR-OH) is a voluntary research registry that connects injury survivors to new research studies that aim to better understand and treat traumatic brain injury (TBI) and spinal cord injury (SCI). People who have experienced TBI or SCI can support research by joining NTR-OH.

How do I sign up?

If you have had a TBI or SCI and would consider participating in research studies, please enroll in NTR-OH by clicking the link below. You will read important information about participation, sign consent forms, and answer a short survey about your traumatic brain or spinal cord injury.

Why is this registry important?

TBIs and SCIs are costly conditions that result in long-term or lifelong disability in over 5 million people in the United States. Together, these injuries and their related chronic complications cost over $4 billion each year in medical expenses and lost wages to the state of Ohio. Research studies are needed to improve the treatment, rehabilitation, and prevention of TBIs and SCIs.

How does this registry work?

Injury survivors (people living with the effects of TBI or SCI) or their advocates can share their information to the registry database to become participants. The registry then connects participants to new research studies that are actively recruiting participants including injury survivors. Participants will receive emails with information about upcoming research studies, including instructions on how to get involved with each study and find out more details.

What if I don’t live in Ohio?

You are welcome to enroll in NTR-OH even if you do not live in the state of Ohio. Participants will be notified about research studies taking place in Ohio. Some studies may also have additional recruitment sites in other areas of the United States.

Who do I contact for questions or concerns?

The NeuroTrauma Registry of Ohio is operated by the Chronic Brain Injury Program at The Ohio State University. Please email for any questions or concerns.

Additional Resources

Chronic Brain Injury Program

Brain injury research and programs

Ohio Brain Injury Program

Services and support for brain injury survivors

Belford Center for SCI

Research and rehabilitation for spinal cord injury