Check out our YouTube channel for more CBI Grand Rounds!
Check out our YouTube channel for more CBI Grand Rounds!
JULY 31, 2020: PATRICK QUAID | Understanding Visual Dysfunction in mTBI: Research Overview and Clinical Pearls
College of Optometry
AUGUST 25, 2020: ANDREW SAS, MD, PHD | Mild Traumatic Brain Injury Needs a Multidisciplinary Approach for Care
College of Medicine, Department of Neurology
OCTOBER 27, 2020: SEAN ROSE, MD & KELLY MCNALLY, PHD | Post-Concussion Syndrome: What To Do When Kids Don't Get Better
Nationwide Children's Hospital
JANUARY 13, 2021: SAMUEL MCLEAN, MD, MPH | Understanding and Preventing Adverse Posttraumatic Neuropsychiatric Sequelae
College of Medicine, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Health
JANUARY 25, 2021: TODD MONROE, PHD | Could Pain Sensitivity be a Biomarker for Dementia?
College of Nursing
MARCH 5, 2021: ANTHONY KONTOS, PHD | An Evidence-based Approach to Concussion Care using Clinical Profiles and Targeted Interventions
College of Medicine, School of Health & Rehabilitation Sciences
MAY 3, 2021: KARL KLAMAR, MD, FAAPMR | Pediatric Concussion: From the Sideline to the Classroom
College of Medicine, Department of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation