
Driving innovative research to better understand, prevent, and treat the long-term effects of brain injuries.

Key Research Areas

From chronic brain and spinal cord injuries to neurodegenerative disease and aging, our research explores the intricate connections between stress, trauma, mental health, and human function. By studying cognition, behavior, sensing and movement, we're building a deeper understanding of neurological challenges while developing innovative solutions for those affected by these conditions.

brain scan showing an injury



Understanding and characterizing injury mechanisms through cellular, behavioral and cognitive neuroscience.

researchers reviewing and discussing brain scans on a screen



Enhancing monitoring, detection and screening of injury markers through technology, software and data development.

female doctor assisting a patient in a recovery exercise



Advancing treatment and rehabilitation through neural regeneration, drug development and novel rehabilitation strategies.

CBI Member Jan Schwab speaks with a spinal cord injury survivor



Integrating discoveries, technologies and therapeutics within the clinical, socioeconomic and legal environment.

Research Awards and Resources

Through collaborative networks of researchers and state-of-the-art facilities, we pursue groundbreaking discoveries that translate into real-world impact. Our research priorities include investigating neural repair mechanisms, developing new therapeutic approaches, designing assistive technologies, and improved diagnosis and treatment monitoring.