Partnership and Engagement Grants

Partnership & Engagement Grants (PEGs) support faculty teams to engage in transdisciplinary research projects involving local, regional, and national government, community, and industry partners.

In alignment with Ohio State’s land-grant mission, successful projects will develop and deepen relationships with community stakeholders to enhance research recruitment, translation, implementation, and impacts relevant to CBI key research domains.

Applications should demonstrate strong probability of measurably benefiting target community members, securing sustainable funding, and increasing Ohio State’s visibility and national reputation.


Applicant teams must be led by a CBI Faculty Member and must feature one or more external partners. Applicant teams featuring faculty from multiple Ohio State colleges are encouraged. Nationwide Children’s Hospital faculty are considered as representing a distinct college separate from the Ohio State College of Medicine, but not a community partner. Department Chairs and Center/Institute Directors may apply as team leads.


Applicants must propose new projects that provide measurable research or educational benefits for target communities within CBI key research areas.


Proposals will consist of an application form including budget and an attached narrative (maximum 3 pages) describing the following components:

  • project aims
  • significance and impact relevant to Ohio State’s land-grant mission
  • project team member qualifications and roles
  • brief description of the intended benefits for community members and researchers
  • plans for sustainable project funding to pursue within two years.

Preference will be given for applications which include:

  • Applicant teams featuring CBI affiliates from multiple Ohio State Colleges
  • Direct engagement with community members including injury survivors
  • Ohio-based partners
  • Large and/or strategic partnerships


A pool of $50,000 is available to applicant teams each year, with a goal of funding 1-2 projects. Awards are limited to one-time support for the project. Projects are intended to expend funding within one year; no-cost extensions may be granted with approval by CBI program staff. Applicants must provide matching cash and/or in-kind funds of at least 25% of total project costs. PEG funds
will be awarded to Ohio State project team members. Funding may be used for project activities, investigator, staff or student effort, and necessary equipment or facilities.


Applicants will be reviewed and scored by a committee to include researchers and relevant stakeholders. Projects will be selected for funding by CBI leadership in consultation with the CBI Faculty Advisory Board. Selected projects will receive funding once research compliance approvals have been submitted to the CBI staff.


By accepting a CBI Partnership & Engagement Award, the applicants agree to the following terms:

  • CBI support must be acknowledged in any materials, presentations or publications arising from this work with this sentence: “This work was supported by a Partnership & Engagement Grant from The Ohio State University’s Chronic Brain Injury Program (CBI).” You may alternatively use the CBI logo as appropriate; we will provide to you a digital copy.
  • CBI cost center CC10681 must be listed on Ohio State ePA-005 forms at 0% award credit and 0% expenditure credit for any extramural proposals arising from this work. This helps to track the impact of pilot funding and interdisciplinary research collaborations.
  • Extramural funding applications advancing this work AND manuscripts for peer-reviewed publication in scholarly journals arising from this work will be submitted no later than two years from project start. 
  • Project teams must present their project at a CBI-sponsored event within one year of project end. 
  • To track progress towards a proposal, we require regular reports on project activities and outcomes. Reports are due 9 months, 15 months, and 27 months following the project start date. This delay allows time to capture grants, publications & presentations derived from your CBI grant. Reports may be submitted at

