Resource Awards

Improving our capacity for interdisciplinary innovation to advance solutions for chronic brain injury.


Applications must be completed and submitted by May 1, 2025 (11:59PM).


CBI resource awards provide up to $100,000.00 in funding support for interdisciplinary research teams to acquire shared resources, including equipment, personnel, services, or other relevant resources, that enhance collaborative research capacity within the CBI community. 


Applicants must provide a detailed description of proposed new resources that directly benefit the research activities of multiple CBI faculty affiliates representing 2 or more Ohio State colleges. Applicants may propose to use these funds to fully acquire the target resource, or may leverage these funds as costsharing for larger investments.


Applications must be led by a CBI Faculty Member and list all faculty-level users of the proposed resource. Nationwide Children's Hospital faculty are considered as representing a distinct college separate from the Ohio State College of Medicine.


Applicants must provide a detailed budget and narrative describing all costs, any revenue generated, and sustainability plans. Applicants must describe any funding sources providing cost-sharing funds for the proposed resource, including amount committed and any related restrictions or requirements of the funder. 

Building Capacity

Applicants should propose a new resource, but are allowed to propose acquiring or developing resources that may currently exist on campus. If the resource is not novel, the applicant(s) must describe how additional investments will significantly improve CBI affiliates' research capabilities. Applicants should describe expected benefits for research and/or education activities, and list all faculty who will directly benefit from this investment.


Applicants must describe key metrics used to evaluate the impact of the proposed resource, including metrics related to utilization, collaboration, and future grant funding. If awarded, applicants must collect and report these metrics to CBI annually for a 3-year period.

Application Instructions

Applicants must complete an online form and attach a written narrative (maximum of 3 pages, PDF format) addressing the requirements above. Supporting documentation such as estimates, preliminary contracts, etc., should be attached as an appendix (will not count against page limit).

Applications will be reviewed by the CBI program leads and final selections will be confirmed by the CBI Faculty Advisory Board.



Previous Winners