Capstone Project Vouchers

Supporting interdisciplinary student research and development through capstone projects.


CBI provides capstone vouchers to CBI Faculty Members, in partnership with capstone programs across campus, who sponsor interdisciplinary capstone project ideas relevant to CBI's key research areas.  

Capstones typically feature teams of undergraduate students enrolled in departmental capstone courses. Students often work on projects sponsored by campus and industry partners, including completing background research, solution design, and prototyping.

Capstone course directors assist with managing and communicating with capstone teams. CBI vouchers provide funding to cover capstone costs including TA assistance, small equipment, materials, services, and other project needs.


Applicants must provide a description of the proposed project including problem statement, objectives, background, current state of solutions, and relevant constraints or requirements. If applicable, applicants should specifically list extramural funding targets related to the proposed project. 


Voucher applications must be submitted by a CBI Faculty Member and list any faculty-level collaborators. Collaborators are not required for these vouchers. Preference will be given to applicants or applicant teams featuring faculty working with students outside of the faculty's home college. Applications must list a faculty-level contact to work with capstone teams.


Applicants must indicate the level of support requested for the capstone voucher. Up to $5,000 is available to each applicant team. Applicants must describe any funding sources providing cost-sharing funds for the proposed capstone, including amount committed. Funding will be available at the start of the project for one academic year. Funding is renewable for an additional year to support continuing projects.

Intellectual Property

If requested, capstone student teams will complete non-disclosure agreements. If applicable, CBI faculty sponsors must work with capstone directors and the university's Office of Innovation and Economic Development to develop an intellectual property strategy.


Applicants must complete an online form for pre-approval of proposals. CBI will share approved proposals with target capstone program directors for feedback and inclusion in capstone courses. Approved proposals that are selected by capstone students will receive funding from CBI. All campus capstone programs are eligible for consideration.

